1 min read



Acceptance is the state of feeling that something is satisfactory, favorable, or even lovable. It is a feeling of contentment, approval, or agreement with a person, object, or situation.


  • Approval
  • Favorability
  • Concurrence
  • Adequacy
  • Suitability
  • Tolerance
  • Appreciation


  • Disapproval
  • Hatred
  • Loathing
  • Repulsion
  • Disgust
  • Opposition

Example Sentences:

  • I accept your apology.
  • The students accepted the teacher’s instructions.
  • The scientists accepted the theory.
  • I am an accepting person.
  • The audience accepted the performance.

Key Points:

  • Acceptance is a feeling of satisfaction, favorability, or agreement.
  • It involves contentment, approval, or concurrence.
  • Acceptance can be subjective and depends on the individual and their values.
  • Acceptance can be influenced by experiences, beliefs, and personal preferences.
  • Acceptance is an important aspect of human relationships and social interactions.
