1 min read



Appurtenance is a term in physics that refers to a physical object that is attached to or accompanies another object, usually a larger object, as an integral part of its structure or function.

Examples of Appurtenances:

  • Wheels: Wheels are appurtenances to vehicles. They are integral parts of the vehicle’s structure and function, providing locomotion.
  • Handles: Handles are appurtenances to tools and objects. They provide a gripping surface for the user.
  • Electrical wires: Electrical wires are appurtenances to electrical devices. They connect the device to a power source.
  • Fluids: Liquids and gases can be appurtenances to objects. For example, water is an appurtenance to the human body.

Key Characteristics of Appurtenances:

  • Attached or accompanying: Appurtenances are attached to or accompany the larger object.
  • Integral part: They are an integral part of the object’s structure or function.
  • Physical component: They are physical components of the object, usually made of the same material.
  • Functional element: They contribute to the object’s ability to perform its specific function.

Additional Notes:

  • The term “appurtenance” is generally used in technical contexts.
  • Appurtenances can be detachable or non-detachable.
  • The presence of appurtenances can change the overall properties of an object.
