2 mins read



An assignor is a party who transfers ownership or a right to a property or asset to another party, known as the assignee.

Key Points:

  • Transfer of Ownership or Right: An assignor transfers ownership or a right to a property or asset to an assignee.
  • Assignment: The act of transferring ownership or a right is called assignment.
  • Transferable Interest: The interest transferred must be transferable under law.
  • Ass Assignee: The party who receives the assignment and becomes the owner or holder of the rights transferred.
  • Assignment Document: The transfer of ownership or rights is typically documented in an assignment document.
  • Consideration: Sometimes, the assigner may receive consideration from the assignee in exchange for the assignment.
  • Legal Binding: The assignment is a legally binding agreement between the assignor and the assignee.


  • A landlord assigns a lease to a tenant.
  • A debt collector assigns a debt to a collection agency.
  • A company assigns its rights to a patent to another company.

Legal Considerations:

  • Assignment Obligations: The assignor is generally obligated to deliver possession of the asset or right and to warrant its title.
  • Asssignee Rights: The assignee has the rights to enjoy the asset or right and to enforce the assignment.
  • Assignment Restrictions: There may be restrictions on assignment, such as consent requirements or limitations on transfer.
  • Taxes: Assignment may have tax implications for both the assignor and the assignee.

Additional Notes:

  • Assignments can be voluntary or involuntary.
  • Assignments can be made for a variety of assets, including property, contracts, debts, and intellectual property.
  • The specific terms of the assignment will vary depending on the jurisdiction and the particular asset being transferred.
