2 mins read

Backward Integration

Backward Integration

Backward integration is a numerical technique for solving ordinary differential equations (ODEs) in reverse time. It is a numerical method that approximates the solution of an ODE by iteratively marching backward in time, starting from the final time and moving toward the initial time.


  1. Define the ODE: The ODE to be solved is written in terms of the dependent variable y and the independent variable x.

  2. Choose a time step: A small time step ฮ”t is selected.

  3. Iterate backward: Starting from the final time (t_f), the solution is approximated at each previous time step (t_f – ฮ”t, t_f – 2ฮ”t, and so on) using an appropriate numerical method, such as the backward Euler method or the backward difference method.

  4. Initial conditions: The values of y at the initial time (t_i) are used to initialize the iterative process.

  5. Repeat until the initial time is reached: The process of iteratively marching backward in time is repeated until the initial time is reached.


  • Simple to implement: Backward integration is relatively easy to implement numerically.
  • Stable for certain ODEs: For some ODEs, backward integration can be more stable than forward integration.
  • Can handle stiff ODEs: Backward integration can be effective for solving ODEs with high stiffness.


  • Numerical instability: Backward integration can suffer from numerical instability for certain ODEs, particularly those with high oscillations or rapid changes in the solution.
  • Error accumulation: Errors accumulate over time in backward integration, which can lead to inaccurate solutions.
  • Limited accuracy: The accuracy of the solution decreases as the number of steps increases.


Backward integration is commonly used to solve ODEs in various fields, including:

  • Numerical solution of differential equations
  • Heat transfer analysis
  • Fluid flow simulation
  • Chemical reaction kinetics


Solving the ODE y’ = -y, y(0) = 1, using backward integration with a time step of 0.1, we can approximate the solution as follows:

y(t) = y(t_f) + ฮ”t * (-y(t_f)) / (1 – ฮ”t)

where y(t_f) is the solution at the final time, and y(t) is the solution at time t
