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Balance Of Payment

The balance of payments account is a statement that summarizes all foreign exchange transactions made by a country during a particular period of time. It includes all payments and receipts from foreign trade, investment, and other sources. The balance of payments account helps maintain the stability of a country’s currency.

Components of the Balance of Payments:

  • Current account: Includes payments for imports and exports of goods, services, and financial assets.
  • Capital account: Includes payments for investments in foreign assets and investments by foreigners.
  • Financial account: Includes payments for loans and other financial assets and liabilities.

Key Features:

  • Balance: The difference between total payments and receipts. If the balance is positive, the country is a net exporter. If the balance is negative, the country is a net importer.
  • Balance of payments account: Overall record of all foreign exchange transactions.
  • Foreign exchange: Transactions involving foreign currencies.
  • Foreign assets: Assets owned by foreigners in the country.
  • Foreign liabilities: Liabilities owed to foreigners for loans and other debt.


  • Exchange rate stability: The balance of payments account helps maintain the stability of exchange rates.
  • Economic growth: A balanced balance of payments is essential for economic growth.
  • Currency valuation: The balance of payments account influences the value of a country’s currency.
  • Central bank control: Central banks use the balance of payments account to manage the economy and control inflation.

Additional Information:

  • The balance of payments account is usually compiled by a country’s central bank.
  • Data for the balance of payments account is typically released monthly or quarterly.
  • The balance of payments account provides important insights into a country’s external economic position.

Here are some examples:

  • If a country exports goods and services worth $10,000 and imports goods and services worth $8,000, the balance of payments account would increase by $2,000.
  • If a country invests $5,000 in foreign assets, the balance of payments account would decrease by $5,000.

The balance of payments account is a powerful tool for understanding a country’s external economic position and stability. It is an important tool for central banks and policymakers to manage the economy and maintain exchange rate stability.
