2 mins read

Breach Of Contract

Breach of Contract Definition:

A breach of contract occurs when one party to a contract fails to fulfill its obligations as agreed upon in the contract. This can be due to various factors, such as failure to provide goods or services as promised, failure to meet deadlines, or making improper modifications to the contract.

Elements of a Breach of Contract:

  • Contract: The existence of a valid contract between the parties.
  • Obligation: The specific obligations that each party has agreed to fulfill.
  • Breach: The party’s failure to fulfill its obligations.
  • Damages: The harm or loss suffered by the other party due to the breach.

Types of Breaches:

  • Material Breach: A breach that significantly impacts the performance of the contract.
  • Minor Breach: A breach that is not material to the contract performance.
  • Fundamental Breach: A breach that fundamentally changes the nature of the contract.

Examples of Breaches:

  • Failing to deliver promised goods on time.
  • Not providing the agreed-upon services.
  • Making unauthorized alterations to the contract.
  • Violating the terms of payment.
  • Defying contractual deadlines.

Remedies for Breach of Contract:

  • Specific Performance: The other party may demand that the breaching party fulfill its obligations as agreed upon in the contract.
  • Restitution: The breaching party may be required to return any payments or goods received.
  • Damages: The other party may sue for damages for their loss or harm caused by the breach.
  • Injunction: A court order may be issued to prevent the breaching party from further breaches.
  • Termination: The contract may be terminated, and the parties may be released from their obligations.


Breach of contract is a legal issue that arises when one party fails to uphold its obligations under a contract. It is important to understand the elements of a breach of contract and the available remedies to protect your rights and interests. If you believe that a contract has been breached, it is advisable to seek legal advice and pursue appropriate remedies.
