1 min read



Cancellation is the act of terminating a commitment, agreement, or event that has not yet occurred. It is the act of formally stating that one will not fulfill their obligation or participation.

Reasons for Cancellation:

  • Personal circumstances: Illness, family emergencies, or personal events may necessitate cancellation.
  • Business reasons: Company restructuring, mergers, or changes in business priorities may lead to cancellation.
  • Unforeseen circumstances: Natural disasters, political instability, or other unforeseen events may force cancellation.
  • Explicit decision: The party making the cancellation may simply change their mind or have a conflicting commitment.

Types of Cancellations:

  • Absolute cancellation: Termination of all obligations and commitments.
  • Partial cancellation: Cancellation of specific parts of an agreement or event.
  • Conditional cancellation: Cancellation if certain conditions are met.

Procedure for Cancellation:

  • Notification: The party making the cancellation must notify the other party in a timely and appropriate manner.
  • Reason for cancellation: The reason for cancellation should be clearly stated.
  • Confirmation: The canceller should confirm the cancellation in writing or through an appropriate channel.

Legal Implications:

  • Breach of contract: Cancelling an agreement without valid reason may constitute a breach of contract, depending on the specific terms.
  • Damages: The affected party may suffer damages if their plans are disrupted due to cancellation.
  • Restitution: In some cases, the canceller may be required to provide restitution or compensation.


  • Cancelling a doctor’s appointment due to illness.
  • Cancelling a flight reservation due to unforeseen circumstances.
  • Cancelling a wedding reception due to a change in circumstances.

Note: The specific rules and procedures for cancellation may vary depending on the jurisdiction and industry.
