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Card Recovery Bulletin

Card Recovery Bulletin

Date: [Date]

Reporting Party: [Your Name]Reporting Party Address: [Your Address]Reporting Party Phone Number: [Your Phone Number]

Card Lost or Stolen:

  • Card Number: [Card Number]
  • Card Type: [Card Type]
  • Card Expiry Date: [Card Expiry Date]
  • Date of Last Use: [Date of Last Use]
  • Location Where Card Was Last Seen: [Location Where Card Was Last Seen]

Circumstances of Loss:

[Describe the circumstances in which the card was lost or stolen]


[List any evidence that supports the loss or theft of the card, such as receipts or security camera footage]

Action Taken:

[List any steps you have taken to recover the card, such as reporting it to the bank or the police]

Request for Assistance:

I am requesting that you investigate this matter and assist me in recovering my card. Please provide me with any information or resources that you may have.

Signature: [Your Signature]

Date: [Date]

Additional Information:

[Include any additional information relevant to the case, such as your name and address in full, or any other contact information]

Please note: This is a sample template for a card recovery bulletin. You may need to modify it based on your specific circumstances.
