1 min read



Cession is the act of transferring ownership or control of land or other assets from one party to another. It is a legal process that creates a new owner or controller.

Elements of Cessation:

  • Transferor: The party who owns or controls the asset being ceded.
  • Transferee: The party who receives the asset.
  • Asset: The land or other asset being transferred.
  • Consideration: The payment or other incentive offered to the transferee.
  • Consent: The agreement of both parties to the transfer.

Types of Cessation:

  • Absolute cession: The transfer of complete ownership and control of the asset.
  • Conditional cession: The transfer of ownership or control subject to certain conditions being met.
  • Leasehold cession: The transfer of a leasehold interest in land.
  • Mortgages: The transfer of a security interest in land as collateral for a loan.


  • A landlord cedes a rental property to a new tenant.
  • A homeowner sells their house to a buyer.
  • A company assigns its lease to a new lessee.

Legal Considerations:

  • Cessation must be made in accordance with applicable law.
  • Consent of all parties involved is required.
  • The transfer of ownership or control must be properly documented.

Additional Notes:

  • Cessation can be voluntary or involuntary.
  • It can be used to transfer a variety of assets, including land, buildings, and equipment.
  • The process of cession can vary depending on the jurisdiction.
