2 mins read

Class B Shares

b Shares

b shares are a type of preference stock that are convertible into common stock at a specified ratio. They typically have a higher par value than common stock and pay dividends at a rate that is higher than the company’s common stock dividend.

Key Features of b Shares:

  • Convertible: b shares can be converted into common stock at a specified ratio, usually at a premium to the current market price of the common stock.
  • Higher Par Value: b shares typically have a higher par value than common stock, which means that they are worth more when they are first issued.
  • Higher Dividends: b shares typically pay dividends at a rate that is higher than the company’s common stock dividend.
  • Lower Voting Rights: b shares usually have lower voting rights than common stock, which means that holders of b shares have less power to influence company decisions.
  • Special Dividend Payments: b shares may have special dividend payments that are not available to common stockholders.

Types of b Shares:

  • Convertible Preference Shares: These shares are convertible into common stock at a specified ratio.
  • Convertible Preferred Shares: These shares are convertible into common stock at a specified ratio and have other preferential rights, such as a higher dividend payment or a lower maturity date.
  • Participating Preferred Shares: These shares are convertible into common stock at a specified ratio and have the right to participate in the company’s common stock dividend payments.


  • High dividend payments
  • Potential for capital appreciation
  • Lower risk compared to common stock


  • Lower voting rights
  • Higher cost of capital
  • Risk of being converted into common stock
