1 min read



Condemnation is the act of formally declaring someone or something to be unacceptable, reprehensible, or deserving of punishment.


  • Abhorrence
  • Loathing
  • Hate
  • Scorn
  • Repulsion
  • Revulsion


  • Approval
  • Adulation
  • Respect
  • Esteem
  • Favor


  • The politician’s corruption was condemned by the public.
  • The rotten food was condemned as a health hazard.
  • The condemned prisoner pleaded for mercy.


Condemnation is commonly used in formal or judicial contexts, especially when expressing disapproval or punishing someone. It is also used in everyday language to express extreme dislike or disgust.

Examples of condemnation in literature:

  • “The wickedest man in the world shall be condemned to eternal damnation.” – William Shakespeare
  • “If the wicked prosper, they will suffer.” – The Book of Psalms


Condemnation should be used carefully, as it can have a powerful and destructive impact on others. It is important to remember that condemnation is a subjective and temporary judgment, and that people should be treated with empathy and compassion, even when they have done wrong.
