1 min read


Confluence is a collaborative platform used primarily for project management and knowledge sharing within organizations.

Key features:

  • Project management: Kanban boards, SCRUM altars, Gantt charts, and other tools to track progress and manage projects.
  • Knowledge sharing: Wikis, documents, and pages for collaboration and information sharing.
  • Team collaboration: Discussions, comments, and annotations to foster teamwork and feedback.
  • Integration: Connects with other tools like Jira, Trello, and Google Drive.
  • Templates: Provides a library of customizable templates for various purposes.
  • Customizable: Can be tailored to specific needs with plugins and extensions.
  • Mobile access: View and contribute to Confluence from anywhere, anytime.


Confluence is used across various industries, including:

  • Technology
  • Finance
  • Government
  • Education
  • Healthcare


  • Improved collaboration: Enables teams to work more effectively together.
  • Enhanced knowledge sharing: Provides a central hub for information.
  • Streamlined project management: Helps manage projects more efficiently.
  • Increased productivity: Streamlines processes and reduces time wasted on communication and duplication.
  • Knowledge retention: Ensures information is not lost and is easily accessible.


Confluence is a powerful tool for collaboration, project management, and knowledge sharing. It offers a wide range of features and customization options to meet the needs of various organizations.

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