2 mins read

Consumption Smoothing

Consumption Smoothing

Consumption smoothing is a behavioral economic concept that describes the tendency of individuals to spread their consumption of goods and services over time, even when their income is not constant.


  • Income Smoothing: When income fluctuates, consumers smooth their consumption by adjusting their spending patterns to align with their income fluctuations.
  • Habit Smoothing: Habits, such as regular meal times and consumption patterns, can also influence consumption smoothing.
  • Inventory Accumulation: Building up inventories of goods and services can help consumers smooth consumption over time.


  • Grocery Shopping: Consumers may buy more groceries when they have a surplus income and less when they have a deficit income.
  • Durable Goods: Consumers may delay purchases of durable goods, such as appliances, when they are financially constrained.
  • Impulse Purchases: Smoothing may be less pronounced for impulse purchases, as they are not planned for.

Reasons for Consumption Smoothing:

  • Intertemporal Choice: Consumers may prefer to consume more in the present and less in the future.
  • Cognitive Constraints: It can be difficult to accurately predict future income and consumption patterns.
  • Psychological Factors: Habits and preferences can influence consumption patterns.


  • Countercyclical Consumption: Consumption smoothing can result in countercyclical patterns, where consumption increases during economic downturns and decreases during economic booms.
  • Stable Demand: Consumption smoothing can provide stability in demand, even when income fluctuates.
  • Financial Planning: Consumption smoothing can be a factor to consider in financial planning.

Additional Notes:

  • Consumption smoothing is a theoretical concept and not an empirical one.
  • The degree of consumption smoothing varies among individuals.
  • Factors such as the availability of credit, savings, and borrowing options can influence consumption smoothing.
  • Consumption smoothing can have both positive and negative effects on economic growth.
