1 min read

Contract Note

“`soliditypragma solidity ^0.8.0;

contract Note {

// Mapping to store notesmapping(uint => NoteData) public notes;// Structure to represent a notestruct NoteData {    address author;    string content;    uint timestamp;}// Function to create a new notefunction createNote(string memory _content) public {    // Generate a unique ID for the note    uint id = notes.length++;    // Create a new note    NoteData memory noteData = NoteData({        author: msg.sender,        content: _content,        timestamp: block.timestamp    });    // Store the note    notes[id] = noteData;}// Function to get a note by its IDfunction getNote(uint _id) public view returns (NoteData memory) {    return notes[_id];}



  • The Note contract stores notes in a mapping called notes, where the key is the ID of the note and the value is a NoteData structure.
  • The NoteData structure contains the author’s address, the note content, and the timestamp.
  • The createNote function allows you to create a new note and store it in the notes mapping.
  • The getNote function allows you to retrieve a note by its ID.

Example Usage:

“`// Create a new noteawait note.createNote(“This is a new note.”);

// Get the note by its IDNoteData memory noteData = await note.getNote(0);

// Print the note contentconsole.log(noteData.content); // Output: This is a new note.“`


  • This contract does not include any security measures, such as authentication or authorization.
  • You can add additional functions to the contract, such as the ability to update or delete notes.
  • You can also modify the structure of the NoteData struct to include additional data fields.
