1 min read



Contrarian is a term used to describe someone who takes a position that is opposite to the majority or popular opinion.


  • Opposite: Contractors take positions that are opposite to the prevailing beliefs or ideas.
  • Deviant: They deviate from the mainstream or conventional thinking.
  • Heretical: Their views may be considered heretical or unorthodox by some.
  • Unconventional: Contractors often adopt unconventional viewpoints.
  • Controversial: Their views can be controversial and polarizing.


  • A scientist who believes climate change is not real.
  • A politician who advocates for a reduction in government spending.
  • A philosopher who challenges mainstream ethical theories.

Reasons for being contrarian:

  • Divergence of opinion: Individuals may have different perspectives or beliefs.
  • Independent thinking: Contractors value independent thought over conformity.
  • Belief in minority rights: They may believe that minority views should be protected.
  • Desire for novelty: Contrarians are often drawn to novel and unconventional ideas.
  • Challenge authority: They may challenge authority and traditional norms.

Additional notes:

  • Contrarianism can be a temporary or permanent position.
  • The degree of contrarianism can vary widely.
  • Contractors are not necessarily opposed to the majority, but they may disagree with their conclusions.
  • Contrarianism can be a valuable source of diversity and innovation.
