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A corpus is a large collection of text data, typically used for natural language processing (NLP) tasks. It is a fundamental element in many NLP applications, providing the necessary data for training models and evaluating their performance.


  • Size: Corpora can range in size from a few thousand words to billions of words.
  • Diversity: Corpora should be diverse, covering a wide range of topics, styles, and language varieties.
  • Relevance: The text in the corpus should be relevant to the intended use case.
  • Quality: The text quality is crucial for the performance of NLP models.
  • Annotation: Some corpora may be annotated with additional information, such as part-of-speech tags or named entities.


  • English Wikipedia: A massive corpus of text in English, annotated with various linguistic features.
  • GloVe (Global Vectors for Word Representation): A large corpus of text used to learn word embeddings.
  • OntoLex: A corpus of legal documents used for language modeling and document summarization.
  • Tweet Corpus: A collection of tweets used for sentiment analysis and other NLP tasks.


  • Model Training: Corpora are used to train NLP models, such as language models, sentiment analysis models, and machine translation models.
  • Model Evaluation: Corpora are used to evaluate the performance of NLP models.
  • Natural Language Processing Applications: Corpora are used in various NLP applications, such as text summarization, machine translation, and sentiment analysis.
  • Language Research: Corpora are used for linguistic research and analysis.

Other Names:

  • Text Corpus
  • Language Corpus
  • Linguistic Corpus

Additional Notes:

  • Corpora can be static or dynamic. Static corpora are created from a single source of text, while dynamic corpora are created from multiple sources and can be updated regularly.
  • Corpus creation is a complex process that involves collecting, preprocessing, and annotating text data.
  • There are various tools and resources available for corpus creation and management.
