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Credit Control

Credit Control

Credit control is the process of managing the flow of credit in and out of an organization. It is a key function in financial management, ensuring that the organization maintains liquidity, controls risk, and operates within its credit limits.

Key Objectives of Credit Control:

  • Maintaining Liquidity: Ensure that the organization has sufficient liquid assets to meet its current liabilities and credit obligations.
  • Controlling Risk: Minimize the risk of default and credit losses by managing credit exposure and monitoring credit behavior.
  • Managing Credit Limits: Regulate credit issuance and utilization to stay within predetermined credit limits.
  • Enhancing Customer Relationships: Foster positive customer relationships by providing timely and efficient credit services.
  • Optimizing Cash Flow: Manage credit collections and payments effectively to optimize cash flow.

Key Elements of Credit Control:

  • Credit Policy: Establishes guidelines for credit approval, credit usage, and credit enforcement.
  • Credit Scoring: Determines creditworthiness of borrowers based on their credit history and other factors.
  • Credit Limit Setting: Sets limits on credit usage based on individual creditworthiness and risk tolerance.
  • Credit Monitoring: Tracks credit behavior and usage to identify potential issues and take corrective actions.
  • Collections Management: Implements processes for collecting overdue payments and managing bad debt.

Benefits of Effective Credit Control:

  • Improved cash flow management
  • Reduced risk of default
  • Enhanced customer relationships
  • Increased profitability
  • Improved liquidity
  • Better credit management practices

Tools and Techniques:

  • Credit scoring models
  • Credit management software
  • Credit reports
  • Credit risk assessment tools
  • Cash flow management systems
  • Collection agency services


Credit control is an essential function for organizations to manage credit effectively, maintain liquidity, control risk, and optimize cash flow. By implementing a comprehensive credit control system, organizations can ensure that their credit operations are aligned with their overall business goals and objectives.
