2 mins read

Credit Limit


A credit limit is the maximum amount of money that a credit card issuer is willing to lend to a cardholder. It is generally expressed in dollars and is typically established at the time of account opening.


  • Determines credit utilization ratio: The credit utilization ratio is the amount of credit used compared to the available credit limit. It is a key factor in calculating credit scores.
  • Limits spending: Credit limits help prevent overspending and help cardholders stay within their budget.
  • Provides a credit history: Credit limits contribute to a person’s credit history, which can influence future credit decisions.

Types of Credit Limits:

  • Fixed credit limit: A credit limit that remains unchanged throughout the account relationship.
  • Variable credit limit: A credit limit that can be adjusted by the issuer at any time.
  • Open-ended credit limit: A credit limit that allows the cardholder to borrow any amount up to the credit limit.

Factors Affecting Credit Limit:

  • Credit history: Past credit behavior and a positive credit score can result in a higher credit limit.
  • Income: Higher income levels typically result in a higher credit limit.
  • Assets: The value of a person’s assets can also influence their credit limit.
  • Credit mix: A diverse mix of credit accounts, such as credit cards and loans, can improve credit limit.


A credit limit is an important factor in managing credit and maintaining a healthy credit score. It is essential to understand your credit limit and use it responsibly to avoid overdraft fees and negative impact on your credit score.

Additional Notes:

  • Credit limits can vary between issuers and card types.
  • It is important to maintain a credit utilization ratio below 30%.
  • If you need to increase your credit limit, you should contact your credit card issuer.
