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Cts,Cheque Truncation System

Cheque Truncation System (CTS)

The Cheque Truncation System (CTS) is a nationwide electronic system that facilitates the truncation of cheques. It is a secure and efficient way to process and clear cheques, reducing the need for physical transit of cheques.

Key Components of the CTS:

  • Cheque Issuer: Banks that issue cheques.
  • Cheque Processor: Banks that process cheques.
  • National truncation Hub: A central hub where all truncation messages are routed.
  • Image Clearing House: A repository where cheque images are stored and verified.
  • End-User: Individuals who write cheques or receive them.


  1. Cheque Presentation: The payee presents a cheque to the bank.
  2. Image Capture: The bank captures an image of the cheque and transmits it to the National truncation Hub.
  3. Truncation Message: The bank sends a truncation message to the Hub, indicating the cheque number, account number, and other necessary data.
  4. Image Transmission: The Hub transmits the cheque image and truncation message to the Image Clearing House.
  5. Image Verification: The Image Clearing House verifies the authenticity of the cheque image and matches it with the truncation message.
  6. Payment Posting: If the image and message are valid, the Image Clearing House posts the payment to the payee’s account.


  • Speed and Efficiency: CTS reduces the time and costs associated with cheque processing.
  • Security: The system is highly secure, with multiple layers of authentication and fraud detection mechanisms.
  • Convenience: Cheque truncation is convenient for both banks and end-users.
  • Accuracy: The system eliminates human errors associated with manual cheque processing.
  • Cost Savings: CTS eliminates the need for physical cheque handling and transportation.


The implementation of the CTS has been a major undertaking, involving the collaboration of banks and the development of new technology. It has been a successful system that has significantly improved the efficiency and security of cheque processing.

Additional Notes:

  • The CTS is managed by the Clearing House Corporation of India (CHCI).
  • The National Payment Corporation (NPC) is the technology provider for the CTS.
  • The implementation of the CTS has been phased in over several years.
  • The CTS is a key component of the Indian banking system.
