1 min read

Deposit Slip

Deposit Slip

Company Name: [Company Name]Branch Number: [Branch Number]Account Number: [Account Number]Date: [Date]

Customer Information:* Name: [Customer Name]* Address: [Customer Address]* City, State, ZIP: [City, State, ZIP]* Account Type: [Account Type]

Deposit Information:* Deposit Amount: [Deposit Amount]* Currency: [Currency]* Cheque Number: [Cheque Number] (if applicable)* Deposit Slip Number: [Deposit Slip Number]

Signature: [Customer Signature]

Authorized Signature: [Banker’s Signature]

Notes:* The deposit slip should include the company name, branch number, account number, date, customer information, deposit information, signature, and authorized signature.* The deposit amount should be written in numbers and words.* The currency should be specified.* The cheque number should be included if the deposit is made by cheque.* The deposit slip number should be unique for each deposit.* The signature and authorized signature should be original and match the customer’s account records.
