2 mins read



Dissaving refers to the process of increasing savings, usually by reducing consumption. It is a behavioral adjustment that involves allocating a larger portion of income towards savings. Dissaving typically occurs when there is an increase in income or a decrease in expenses.

Causes of Dissaving:

  • Increased income: When income increases, people may save a greater portion of their earnings.
  • Reduced expenses: If expenses decrease, more money can be saved.
  • Financial goals: Saving money for specific goals, such as buying a house or accumulating retirement savings, can motivate dissaving.
  • Economic conditions: In an inflationary environment, people may save more due to rising prices and the need for future inflation hedges.
  • High-interest savings rates: If interest rates are high, savings can be more attractive, leading to increased dissaving.

Benefits of Dissaving:

  • Financial growth: Dissaving can help build wealth and grow savings over time.
  • Emergency fund: Savings can provide a buffer against unexpected expenses.
  • Investment: Saved money can be invested in various assets to generate returns.
  • Future planning: Dissaving can enable long-term financial planning and goals achievement.
  • Reduced financial stress: Having savings can reduce financial anxiety and provide peace of mind.

Examples of Dissaving:

  • Cutting back on recreational spending to save for a down payment on a house.
  • Utilizing a lower-interest credit card to reduce debt and save money on interest charges.
  • Cancelling unused subscriptions or memberships to free up funds.
  • Cooking at home instead of dining out to save on food expenses.


Dissaving is an important financial behavior that involves increasing savings by reducing consumption. It can offer numerous benefits, including financial growth, improved emergency preparedness, and reduced financial stress. Factors such as increased income, reduced expenses, and specific financial goals can influence dissaving. By adopting a conscious savings strategy, individuals can effectively increase their savings and achieve their financial objectives.
