1 min read

Earned Premium

The phrase “earned premium” is used to describe a payment made to someone who has performed exceptionally well. It’s commonly used in business situations when someone deserves a higher salary or compensation than the standard rate.

Here’s an example:

“The CEO earned a premium of $1 million for his exceptional performance in the previous quarter.”

In this example, the CEO has performed exceptionally well, so his salary is higher than the standard CEO salary for the company.

Here are some other contexts where you might hear the phrase “earned premium”:

  • A salesperson who exceeds their sales quota might earn an earned premium.
  • A software engineer who develops a groundbreaking technology might earn an earned premium.
  • A teacher who inspires their students to excel might earn an earned premium.

The phrase “earned premium” is a powerful way to describe exceptional performance and the reward that comes with it. It’s a phrase that is often used in high-stakes situations where there is a lot of competition for success.
