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Earnings Per Share

Earnings per Share (EPS)

Earnings per share (EPS) is a company’s net income divided by the number of common shares outstanding. It is a measure of a company’s profitability and is used by investors to assess its financial performance.


Earnings per Share (EPS) = Net Income / Number of Common Shares Outstanding


  • High EPS: Indicates a company is generating high profits and can pay dividends to shareholders.
  • Low EPS: Indicates a company is generating low profits and may have difficulty paying dividends.
  • Growing EPS: Indicates a company’s profits are increasing, which can lead to higher stock prices.
  • Declining EPS: Indicates a company’s profits are decreasing, which can lead to lower stock prices.

Factors Affecting EPS:

  • Company Size: Larger companies tend to have higher EPS than smaller companies due to their larger revenue and profit base.
  • Industry: Different industries have different average EPS levels. For example, technology companies tend to have higher EPS than utilities.
  • Economic Conditions: Economic downturns can negatively impact EPS.
  • Corporate Strategies: Company policies such as buybacks and dividends can affect EPS.
  • Accounting Practices: Different accounting methods can produce different EPS figures.

Uses of EPS:

  • Comparative Analysis: Investors compare EPS of different companies to assess their relative financial performance.
  • Dividend Valuation: EPS is used to determine the potential dividend payments for a company.
  • Stock Price Valuation: EPS is used as a factor in calculating stock prices.
  • Overall Company Assessment: EPS is one of many factors investors consider when evaluating a company.


  • EPS is a key metric in financial analysis and is widely used by investors.
  • EPS is not a perfect measure of a company’s performance, as it does not account for factors such as company size, industry, and economic conditions.
  • Investors should consider multiple factors when assessing a company’s financial performance, including EPS, before making investment decisions.
