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Economic Value

Economic Value

Economic value is a measure of the positive impact of an asset or activity on a company’s financial performance. It refers to the ability of an asset to generate financial returns that are greater than its cost of acquisition.

Key Concepts:

  • Incremental Cash Flows: Economic value is based on the incremental cash flows generated by an asset or activity, compared to a baseline scenario.
  • Time Value of Money: Economic value considers the time value of money, discounting future cash flows to their present value.
  • Risk: Economic value is influenced by the risk associated with the asset or activity.
  • Market Conditions: Economic value is influenced by market conditions, such as interest rates, inflation, and demand.
  • Competitive Landscape: Economic value is affected by the competitive landscape of the industry or market.

Measures of Economic Value:

  • Net Present Value (NPV): The present value of all future cash flows generated by an asset or activity.
  • Internal Rate of Return (IRR): The discount rate that makes the net present value of all cash flows equal to zero.
  • Return on Investment (ROI): The return on investment in terms of cash flow or profit generated for each dollar invested.
  • Payback Period: The time it takes for an asset or activity to recoup its cost.
  • Return on Assets (ROA): The return on assets generated by a company’s assets.


  • Investment Decisions: Economic value is used to guide investment decisions.
  • Financial Modeling: Economic value is used in financial modeling to estimate the value of assets and activities.
  • Corporate Strategy: Economic value is used to develop corporate strategies.
  • Performance Evaluation: Economic value is used to evaluate company performance.


  • A company acquires an asset for $10,000 that generates annual cash flows of $5,000. If the required rate of return is 10%, the economic value of the asset is $50,000.
  • A company is considering an investment project that has a net present value of $200,000. If the company has a required rate of return of 15%, the economic value of the project is $200,000.


Economic value is a key concept in finance and investment. It provides a measure of the financial performance of
