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Economies Of Scope

Economies of Scope

Economies of scope occur when a company can produce a larger quantity of a product or service at a lower cost per unit than it could produce a smaller quantity. This is because the company can spread the fixed costs (such as overhead costs and equipment costs) over a larger number of units.

Examples of Economies of Scope:

  • A company that manufactures cars and trucks can spread the cost of its factory over a larger number of units.
  • A company that produces a variety of products can spread the cost of its marketing department over a larger number of products.
  • A company that operates a chain of stores can spread the cost of its inventory management system over a larger number of stores.

Causes of Economies of Scope:

  • Shared resources: Companies that produce a large volume of products can share resources (such as factories, equipment, and distribution channels) more effectively than smaller companies.
  • ** economies of scale:** As a company grows, it can purchase raw materials at a lower cost per unit.
  • Operational efficiencies: Large companies can achieve operational efficiencies through economies of scale, such as better inventory management and transportation planning.

Benefits of Economies of Scope:

  • Lower costs: Economies of scope can lead to lower costs per unit.
  • Increased market share: Economies of scope can help companies gain market share by allowing them to produce products at a lower cost than their competitors.
  • Improved profitability: Economies of scope can improve profitability by reducing costs and increasing market share.

Challenges of Economies of Scope:

  • High initial investment: Building the infrastructure necessary to achieve economies of scope can require a high initial investment.
  • Coordination challenges: Coordinating operations across a large company can be challenging.
  • Competition: Companies that achieve economies of scope are more likely to face competition from smaller companies that can more easily adapt to market changes.


Economies of scope are a key concept in economics that describe the cost advantages of producing a larger quantity of a product or service at a lower cost per unit. Companies that can achieve economies of scope can enjoy lower costs, increased market share, and improved profitability. However, there are also challenges associated with economies of scope, such as high initial investment and coordination challenges.
