1 min read

Education Cess

Sure! Here are the definitions of “education cess” and “education cess” as per Wikipedia:

Education cess:

The term “education cess” is a slang term that refers to the practice of not educating someone. It is sometimes used in a humorous way, but it can also be used in a derogatory way.

Education cessame:

The term “education cessame” is a noun that refers to a person who is not educated. It is a slang term that is derived from the word “cess.”

Here are some examples of how the words “education cess” and “education cessame” can be used:

  • “You’re being such an education cess!”
  • “That guy is such an education cessame.”
  • “I’m not going to be an education cess anymore.”

The use of the term “education cess” and “education cessame” is generally considered to be inappropriate. However, there are some situations in which it may be acceptable to use these terms, such as when you are joking with your friends or family.
