1 min read


Emolument is a term used in UK employment law to describe wages. It is sometimes also used to describe salaries in other countries, though the term is less common in the US.

Here are some examples of how the word “emolument” can be used:

  • “The employee’s emolument is ยฃ20 per hour.”
  • “The employer agreed to increase the employee’s emolment by 10%.
  • “The employee was dissatisfied with the company’s emolment policy.”

The word “emolument” is most commonly used in the following contexts:

  • Employment contracts: In UK employment contracts, the employee’s emolment is usually stated in the contract.
  • Employee disputes: If there is a dispute over the employee’s emolment, the court may be called upon to decide the issue.
  • Salary negotiations: During salary negotiations, the employee’s emolment is a key factor.

Note: The word “emolument” is not a common term in the US. In the US, the term “salary” is used instead.
