1 min read

Entry Point

An entry point is the point in a program where the execution begins. It is usually the main function or the start of the program, where the control flow of the program is handed over to the first instruction.

Key points:

  • Entry point: The start of the program where execution begins.
  • Main function: In C++, the main() function is the entry point.
  • Start of program: The first instruction in the program is the first instruction of the main() function.
  • Control flow: The control flow of the program flows from the entry point to the rest of the program.


c++int main(){ // Program code goes here}

In this example, main() is the entry point. The execution begins at the first instruction inside the main() function.

Additional notes:

  • The entry point is typically the first executable instruction in the program.
  • The entry point is usually determined by the linker during the linking process.
  • The entry point is a specific location in the memory where the program starts executing.
  • The entry point is a convention, and it can vary between programming languages and platforms.
