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Exposure Netting

Exposure netting is a technique used in physics and engineering to measure the electric field (E-field) produced by a particular charge distribution. It involves creating a net-like enclosure with very low capacitance and resistance to surround the charge distribution.


  • The electric field (E-field) produced by a charge distribution is a vector field that describes the electric forces experienced by a test charge.
  • To measure the E-field, we need to create a closed surface around the charge distribution and measure the electric flux (flux of electric field) flowing through the surface.
  • Exposure netting is a method to create a highly capacitive and resistive enclosure, which minimizes the effects of stray electric fields and ensures that the measured E-field is solely due to the charge distribution within the net.


  1. Netting: A fine mesh net is stretched over a frame to create a closed enclosure. The mesh size is typically much smaller than the wavelength of the electric field.
  2. Grounding: The net is grounded to a common point to eliminate any potential difference between different parts of the net.
  3. Charge Distribution: The charge distribution is placed inside the enclosure.
  4. E-field Measurement: Electric field probes are placed at various points within the enclosure to measure the E-field.


  • High accuracy: Exposure netting provides a highly accurate measurement of E-fields, as it minimizes the effects of stray electric fields.
  • Low capacitance: The net has low capacitance, which ensures that it does not significantly alter the electric field distribution.
  • Low resistance: The net has low resistance, which ensures that it can handle high currents without significant voltage drops.


  • Cost: Exposure netting can be expensive to set up, especially for large enclosures.
  • Setup time: Setting up the net properly can be time-consuming.
  • Limited accessibility: The enclosure can be difficult to access once the net is set up.


  • Electrostatic measurements: Exposure netting is commonly used in electrostatic measurements to measure the E-field of a charge distribution.
  • Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC): Exposure netting is used in EMC testing to evaluate the electromagnetic compatibility of electronic systems.
  • Biomedical engineering: Exposure netting is used in biomedical engineering to measure electric fields in biological systems.
