1 min read

Factors Of Production

Factors of Production

Factors of production are the tangible and intangible resources used in the production of goods and services. They are the inputs that are combined in various ways to create output.

Types of Factors of Production:

1. Land:– Natural resources such as land, water, minerals, and forests.- Can be either renewable or non-renewable.

2. Labor:– Human capital, including skilled workers, unskilled laborers, and entrepreneurs.- Can be either full-time or part-time.

3. Capital:– Physical assets such as machinery, equipment, tools, buildings, and technology.- Can be either tangible or intangible.

4. Entrepreneurship:– The initiative, creativity, and risk-taking ability of entrepreneurs.- Includes factors such as leadership, vision, and decision-making.

5. Technology:– Scientific knowledge, technological advancements, and machinery.- Can be used to improve efficiency, productivity, and innovation.

6. Raw Materials:– Materials used in the production of goods and services.- Can include natural resources, minerals, and processed materials.

7. Infrastructure:– Transportation networks, communication systems, and energy infrastructure.- Essential for the movement of goods and services.


  • Land: A farmer uses land to grow crops.
  • Labor: A factory worker uses labor to assemble cars.
  • Capital: A construction company uses capital to build buildings.
  • Entrepreneurship: A entrepreneur uses entrepreneurship to start a business.
  • Technology: A computer programmer uses technology to develop software.
  • Raw Materials: A steel mill uses raw materials such as iron ore to produce steel.
  • Infrastructure: A highway system uses infrastructure to facilitate trade.

Other Considerations:

  • Factors of production are interdependent and interact with each other.
  • They are not always equally distributed.
  • Technological advancements can change the relative importance of factors of production.
