1 min read

Fixed Cost


Fixed costs are expenses that do not vary with changes in the volume of production or sales. They are costs that remain constant regardless of the company’s activity level.


  • Rent
  • Depreciation
  • Interest expense
  • Salaries of fixed staff
  • Depreciation of equipment


  • Invariable: Do not change with variations in production or sales volume.
  • Irrecoverable: Cannot be recovered through sales revenue.
  • Examples: Lease payments, rent, depreciation, and some interest expenses.
  • Category: Indirect costs.
  • Accounting treatment: Expensed in the period they are incurred.


Fixed costs = Total fixed costs


A company has fixed costs of $10,000. If it produces 10,000 units, the fixed cost per unit will be $10,000/10,000 = $1.00.


  • Provides a constant base for budgeting and cost control.
  • Helps to stabilize earnings per share.
  • Can be used to calculate break-even point.


  • Can limit flexibility if production or sales volume changes significantly.
  • Can make it difficult to forecast future costs accurately.
  • Can be volatile if there are changes in prices or exchange rates.
