1 min read

Fringe Benefits


Fringe benefits are additional employee benefits that are not related directly to salary, such as health insurance, paid time off, and retirement plans. They are often offered as part of a company’s total compensation package to attract and retain talent.

Examples of Fringe Benefits:

  • Health insurance: Covers medical, dental, and vision expenses.
  • Paid time off: Includes vacation, sick leave, and holidays.
  • Retirement plans: Such as 401(k) plans or pensions.
  • Employee discounts: Permitted discounts on company products or services.
  • Flexible work arrangements: Options for remote work or compressed workweeks.
  • Professional development: Training and development opportunities.
  • Employee wellness programs: Gym memberships, health screenings, or stress management programs.
  • Perks: Company-sponsored events, free meals, or free parking.

Benefits of Fringe Benefits:

  • Attract and retain talent: Competitive benefits can help companies attract and retain top talent.
  • Increase employee morale: Benefits can boost employee morale and job satisfaction.
  • Reduce healthcare costs: Health insurance can help reduce healthcare costs for employees.
  • Improve employee health: Wellness programs can improve employee health and productivity.
  • Increase employee loyalty: Benefits can increase employee loyalty and reduce turnover.

Cost of Fringe Benefits:

Fringe benefits can vary widely depending on the industry, company size, and location. Employers need to factor in the cost of providing these benefits when budgeting.

Legal Considerations:

Some fringe benefits, such as health insurance, may require compliance with certain laws, such as the Affordable Care Act.


The specific fringe benefits offered by a company will vary. It is important to review the company’s employee benefits package to see what is available.
