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Greenmail is a term used to describe the practice of sending unsolicited or excessive email messages to a recipient, often with the intention of harassing, intimidating, or spamming. It is a form of electronic bullying or harassment that can have a significant negative impact on the recipient’s well-being.

Characteristics of Greenmail:

  • Unwanted and unsolicited: The sender sends emails to the recipient without their consent or against their wishes.
  • Excessive and repetitive: The messages are sent frequently and repeatedly, often exceeding the recipient’s inbox capacity.
  • Inexcessant and offensive: The content of the emails is often inappropriate, sexually suggestive, or contains threats or harassment.
  • Fearful and isolating: The recipient may feel threatened, intimidated, or isolated due to the persistent nature of the emails.
  • Harming or damaging: The emails can cause emotional distress, damage to reputation, or other harm to the recipient.

Types of Greenmail:

  • Relational Greenmail: Targeted emails aimed at damaging a specific relationship.
  • Work-Related Greenmail: Emails sent to colleagues or supervisors that are inappropriate or intended to disrupt work.
  • Antifungal Greenmail: Emails sent to a recipient who has been diagnosed with a fungal infection, containing unsolicited medical advice or conspiracy theories.
  • Spam Greenmail: Unsolicited emails containing irrelevant or excessive commercial content.

Examples of Greenmail:

  • Sending a series of emails to a former partner containing threats or obscene content.
  • Sending a flood of emails to a colleague with excessive gossip or personal attacks.
  • Sending emails to a neighbor with complaints about their behavior, even after repeated requests to stop.


  • Set up email filters and block lists to filter out unwanted messages.
  • Report any suspected greenmail to the recipient’s email provider.
  • Seek legal advice if the greenmail persists or causes significant harm.

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