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Gst Returns

gst-return is a command-line tool in the GStreamer framework that returns the return value of a GStreamer element or plugin.


gst-return [element name]

Example Usage:

gst-return my-pipeline

where my-pipeline is the name of a GStreamer pipeline.


The output of gst-return will be the return value of the element or plugin named my-pipeline. This value can be an integer, a double, a boolean, or a string.

Example Output:


This output indicates that the return value of the pipeline my-pipeline is 123.


  • gst-return can return any return value that is supported by the GStreamer element or plugin.
  • The element name can be any valid GStreamer element or plugin name.
  • If the element or plugin is not found, gst-return will return an error.
  • The return value is always returned as a string.
  • To get the return value of a specific element or plugin, you can specify its name after the gst-return command.
  • For example: gst-return my-element will return the return value of the element named my-element.

Additional Resources:
