1 min read

Hockey Stick Chart

A hockey stick chart is a type of line chart that is used to track the progress of a hockey team over time. It is typically a graph of the team’s goals and shots on goal for each period of the game.

Parts of a Hockey Stick Chart:

  • Two lines: One line represents the team’s goals, and the other line represents the team’s shots on goal.
  • Three axes: The x-axis represents the time of the game, the y-axis represents the number of goals or shots on goal, and the z-axis represents the period of the game.
  • Colors: Different colors are used to distinguish between the goals and shots on goal lines.
  • Legend: A legend is provided to explain the meaning of the lines and colors.

Example Hockey Stick Chart:

[Image of a hockey stick chart]

The above chart shows the progress of the Red team in a game against the Blue team. The Red team has scored 3 goals and has had 10 shots on goal. The Blue team has scored 2 goals and has had 8 shots on goal.

Uses of Hockey Stick Charts:

  • Tracking team performance over time
  • Comparing team performance to previous games
  • Identifying trends and patterns
  • Predicting future performance


  • Easy to track progress and compare performance
  • Provides a clear overview of the game
  • Can be used to identify trends and patterns


  • Can be difficult to interpret if there are a lot of fluctuations
  • Does not provide information about the reasons for the goals and shots on goal
  • Can be subjective, depending on the analyst’s interpretation
