1 min read

Hot Hand


A hot hand is a term used in statistics to describe a phenomenon where a player or team is performing exceptionally well in a series of games or events, usually with a high probability of winning.


  • Hot hand: A sequence of games or events in which a player or team is unusually successful.
  • Probability of winning: The likelihood of a player or team winning a game or event.
  • Sequence: A series of games or events.
  • Exceptional performance: Playing at a much higher level than usual, with a high probability of success.


  • A basketball player who is shooting an unusually high percentage of shots.
  • A team of poker players who are winning a high number of hands.
  • A poker player who is winning a large number of pots.

Factors contributing to a hot hand:

  • Luck: Random chance can play a role in hot hands, but it is not the only factor.
  • Confidence: When a player or team is playing well, they can become more confident in their abilities.
  • Momentum: A player or team that is winning games is more likely to continue to win.
  • Fundamentals: While luck and confidence can contribute, a hot hand often involves improved execution of skills.


The concept of a hot hand is not a mathematical concept and is therefore not subject to rigorous statistical analysis. It is a subjective term used in sports and other competitive events to describe exceptional performance.
