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Implied Contract

An implied contract is a legal relationship between two parties that is not explicitly stated in a written document but is inferred from the parties’ actions and the law.

Elements of an implied contract:

  • Two parties: There must be two parties involved in the relationship.
  • Mutual obligation: Each party must have a mutual obligation to perform certain actions or provide certain goods and services.
  • Intention: The parties must have the intention of creating a binding legal relationship.
  • Consideration: There must be something of value exchanged between the parties.
  • Law: The implied contract must be governed by law.

Types of implied contracts:

  • Express warranties: Implied warranties are promises that are made explicitly by the seller or manufacturer.
  • Implied warranties of merchantability: This warranty guarantees that the goods are fit for the intended use.
  • Implied warranties of fitness for a particular purpose: This warranty guarantees that the goods are suitable for a specific purpose.
  • Implied terms of payment: This implied term requires payment for the goods or services provided.
  • Implied terms of delivery: This implied term requires the goods to be delivered in a reasonable manner.

Examples of implied contracts:

  • A landlord and tenant have an implied contract for the rental of property.
  • A seller and buyer have an implied contract for the sale of goods.
  • An employer and employee have an implied contract for employment.

In general, implied contracts are created when:

  • The parties have a mutual understanding and intend to create a legal relationship.
  • The actions of the parties in relation to each other are consistent with the creation of a contract.
  • The law of contract applies to the relationship.

It is important to note that:

  • Implied contracts are not always created.
  • The specific terms of an implied contract will vary depending on the circumstances.
  • If there is any conflict between an implied contract and a written contract, the written contract will prevail.
