3 mins read


Impression is a subjective, immediate, and often transient feeling or idea arising from the senses. It is a vivid, emotional response to a stimulus or object.

Key Characteristics:

  • Subjective: Impressions are personal and vary based on individual experiences, perceptions, and biases.
  • Immediate: They occur instantaneously in response to a stimulus.
  • Transient: Impressions are fleeting and can change over time.
  • Emotional: Impressions often involve emotions, such as admiration, dislike, or awe.
  • Sensory: Impressions are rooted in sensory experiences, such as sight, hearing, smell, touch, and taste.
  • Relative: Impressions are comparisons to other experiences or objects.
  • Dynamic: Impressions can evolve and change through further interactions with the stimulus or object.


  • The smell of freshly brewed coffee may evoke a feeling of warmth and contentment.
  • The sound of a violin playing Beethoven’s fifth symphony may evoke feelings of joy and inspiration.
  • The sight of a sunset may inspire feelings of awe and wonder.

Cognitive Processes:

Impressions are processed through various cognitive processes, including:

  • Attention: Selectivity of focus on certain stimuli.
  • Perceptual organization: Grouping and interpreting sensory information.
  • Associative memory: Linking impressions to previous experiences.
  • Emotional processing: Involvement of emotions in the perception of impressions.


Impressions have wide-ranging applications in various fields, including:

  • Psychology: Understanding human perception and emotion.
  • Marketing: Shaping consumer behavior and brand perception.
  • Communication: Communication design and persuasion.
  • Art: Artistic expression and interpretation.
  • Human-computer interaction: Designing user interfaces that evoke desired impressions.


  1. What do you mean by impression?

    An impression is the perception or feeling someone has about a person, object, or situation based on an initial observation or experience. It can also refer to a mark or imprint left by one object on another.

  2. What is an example of an impression?

    An example of an impression is meeting someone for the first time and feeling they are friendly and approachable based on their smile and body language. Another example is a footprint left in the sand, which is a physical impression.

  3. What does impression mean in diagnosis?

    In diagnosis, an impression is a healthcare provider’s initial evaluation or hypothesis about a patient’s condition. This impression is based on the available information, including physical examinations, medical history, and any immediate test results, and may be refined as more data becomes available.

  4. What does an impression of someone mean?

    An impression of someone refers to the mental image, perception, or feeling you form about that person based on their appearance, behavior, or the way they communicate. This impression can be positive, negative, or neutral and can significantly influence how you interact with them.
