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Industrialisation is the process of transforming a society from an agrarian or hunting-gathering economy to one based on industry. It is characterized by the use of technology to produce goods on a large scale, often involving the use of fossil fuels for power and the development of new materials and products.

Key Features of Industrialisation:

1. Technological Innovation:– Invention of new technologies, such as the spinning jenny, the loom, and the steam engine.- Adoption of new materials and processes.

2. Mechanisation:– Use of machinery to automate tasks previously done by humans.- Introduction of factory production and assembly lines.

3. Urbanisation:– Migration of people from rural areas to cities to work in factories and industrial centers.- Growth of urban populations and the development of infrastructure.

4. Capitalism:– Rise of private ownership and the growth of market economies.- Competition and innovation as key drivers of economic growth.

5. Social Change:– Creation of new social classes, such as factory workers and entrepreneurs.- Changes in family structures and gender roles.

6. Environmental Impacts:– Pollution and resource depletion associated with industrial processes.- Degradation of natural environments.

Examples of Industrialisation:

  • The textile industry in the British Industrial Revolution.
  • The steel industry in the United States.
  • The automobile industry in the 20th century.

Impact of Industrialisation:

  • Economic growth: Industrialisation has led to significant economic growth and increased wealth.
  • Social inequality: Industrialisation has created significant income disparities and social inequalities.
  • Environmental degradation: Industrialisation has contributed to environmental degradation and climate change.
  • Technological advancement: Industrialisation has accelerated technological advancement and improved living standards.
  • Urbanisation: Industrialisation has led to widespread urbanisation and the growth of megacities.


Industrialisation is a transformative process that has profoundly changed human societies and the world economy. It is characterized by technological innovation, mechanisation, urbanisation, capitalism, and significant social changes. Industrialisation has brought about both positive and negative impacts, and continues to shape our modern world.
