2 mins read



Inflation is a general increase in prices and a decrease in the purchasing power of money. It is a sustained increase in the cost of living, commonly measured by an index such as the Consumer Price Index (CPI).


  • Demand-pull inflation: Occurs when demand for goods and services exceeds supply, leading to higher prices.
  • Cost-push inflation: Caused by rising costs of production, such as raw materials, energy, and labor.
  • Built-in inflation: Occurs when workers demand higher wages to keep up with inflation, leading to a cycle of price and wage increases.
  • Creational inflation: Resulting from excessive money creation, which can lead to a decline in the value of the currency.
  • External factors: Global events, such as war, can disrupt supply chains and lead to inflation.


  • Eroded purchasing power: The value of money decreases, making it cost more to buy the same goods and services.
  • Uncertainty: Inflation can create uncertainty and instability in the markets.
  • Interest rate hikes: Central banks often increase interest rates to curb inflation.
  • Financial instability: Inflation can lead to financial instability, as it can make it difficult for people to borrow and invest money.
  • Social unrest: Extreme inflation can lead to social unrest and protests.

Types of Inflation:

  • Creational inflation: Caused by excessive money creation.
  • Demand inflation: Occurs when demand exceeds supply.
  • Built-in inflation: Occurs when workers demand higher wages to keep up with inflation.
  • Import inflation: Caused by rising inflation in other countries.

Measures to Control Inflation:

  • Monetary policy: Central banks can adjust interest rates to control inflation.
  • Fiscal policy: Governments can control inflation through spending and taxation policies.
  • Supply-side policies: Measures to increase supply, such as investment in production capacity.
  • Labor market policies: Policies to control wage growth and inflation.


Inflation is a complex economic phenomenon that can have significant effects on the economy and society. Understanding the causes and effects of inflation is essential for policymakers and individuals to make informed decisions.
