2 mins read

Investment Policy Statement (Ips)

Investment Policy Statement (IPS)


The Investment Policy Statement (IPS) serves to define the investment objectives, risk tolerance, and guidelines for managing the organization’s investments. It is a formal document that guides investment decisions and ensures consistency and alignment with the organization’s overall goals.

Key Components:

1. Investment Objectives:

  • Define specific goals and objectives for the organization’s investments.
  • Examples include generating long-term returns, preserving capital, or generating income.

2. Risk Tolerance:

  • Determine the organization’s willingness to accept investment risk.
  • This includes identifying the potential impact of market fluctuations on investment returns.

3. Asset Allocation:

  • Outline the target asset allocation for different investment categories, such as stocks, bonds, and cash equivalents.
  • Specify the proportion of funds allocated to each asset class.

4. Investment Guidelines:

  • Establish guidelines for selecting investments, including criteria for evaluating managers, performance benchmarks, and diversification.
  • Define procedures for rebalancing the portfolio and managing risk.

5. Reporting and Monitoring:

  • Establish reporting mechanisms to track investment performance and ensure alignment with the IPS.
  • Monitor the investments regularly to assess their effectiveness in meeting objectives.

6. Governance:

  • Establish governance procedures to ensure the IPS is followed and reviewed regularly.
  • Designate responsible parties for implementing and overseeing investments.

Example IPS:

Organization: ABC Corporation

Investment Objectives:

  • Generate long-term returns of 8%
  • Preserve capital of $10 million
  • Generate income of $250,000 per year

Risk Tolerance: Moderate

Asset Allocation:

  • 60% stocks
  • 20% bonds
  • 10% cash equivalents
  • 10% alternative investments

Investment Guidelines:

  • Invest in high-quality stocks with a track record of growth and dividend payments.
  • Diversify investments across a range of asset classes to reduce risk.
  • Rebalance the portfolio annually to maintain the target asset allocation.

Reporting and Monitoring:

  • Monthly reports on investment performance
  • Quarterly reviews to assess alignment with IPS
