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Issuer Identification Number (Iin)

The issuer identification number (IIN) is a unique six-digit code that identifies the issuing bank or other financial institution that issued a credit or debit card. It is used by merchants and payment processors to determine which bank issued the card and to route payments appropriately.


The IIN is typically formatted as the first six digits of the card number. For example, the IIN for a Mastercard card is 51, and the IIN for a Visa card is 4.


  • Mastercard card number: 5112 3412 1234 56
  • Visa card number: 4123 4567 8901 234
  • Discover card number: 312 345 678 901


  • Routing payments: The IIN is used to route payments to the correct bank.
  • Fraud detection: The IIN can be used to detect fraudulent transactions.
  • Card type identification: The IIN can be used to identify the type of card (e.g., Mastercard, Visa, Discover).

Additional information:

  • The IIN is assigned by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI).
  • The IIN is also known as the Issuer Identification Number Scheme (IINS).
  • The IIN is not a secret number, but it should be kept confidential.
