1 min read

Least-Preferred Coworker Scale

Least Preferred Coworker Scale

This scale helps you rank your least preferred coworkers. Please rate each coworker on a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being the least preferred and 5 being the most preferred.


1. Work Habits:– Poor time management- Unreliable- Disorganized- Sloppy work- Negative attitude

2. Personal Traits:– Arrogant- Immature- Self-centered- Gossiping- Backstabbing

3. Communication:– Poor communication skills- Micromanaging- Unprofessional- Inconsiderate- Venting

4. Office Environment:– Incompatible- Loud and disruptive- Negative energy- Drama- Gossiping

5. Overall Interaction:– Difficult to work with- Irritating- Obnoxious- Unprofessional- Avoidable

Additional Factors:

  • Consider the specific issues you have with each coworker.
  • Think about how their behavior affects you and your work.
  • Consider your overall relationship with each coworker.
  • Include factors that go beyond work, such as personal conflicts or personality clashes.

Note: This scale is a guide and you may need to adjust it to fit your specific needs. Be honest but constructive in your ratings. It is important to address any issues with your coworkers directly, rather than making assumptions or spreading gossip.
