2 mins read

Lorenz Curve

Lorentz Curve:

The Lorentz curve is a graphical representation that describes the relationship between the magnetic field strength (B) and the magnetic field angle (ฮธ) for a given material. It is named after the Dutch physicist Pieter Zeeman, who first discovered the phenomenon in 1896.

Key Features of the Lorentz Curve:

  • Parametric: The Lorentz curve is a parametric curve, meaning it is defined by two variables: B and ฮธ.
  • Hysteresis: The Lorentz curve exhibits hysteresis, which means it has different paths for magnetization and demagnetization.
  • Orientation: The orientation of the material with respect to the magnetic field affects the shape of the Lorentz curve.
  • Remanence: The Lorentz curve shows a remnant magnetization, even when the applied field is removed.
  • Coercivity: The Lorentz curve exhibits a coercive field strength, beyond which the material becomes saturated.

Typical Lorentz Curve:

The Lorentz curve typically has the following shape:

  1. Increase: The magnetic field strength increases with increasing magnetic field angle.
  2. Saturation: The magnetization reaches a maximum value at a certain field strength.
  3. Hysteresis: The curve exhibits hysteresis, with different paths for magnetization and demagnetization.
  4. Remanence: The curve shows a remnant magnetization after demagnetization.


Lorentz curves are widely used in:

  • Magnetic bearings: To determine the friction and drag coefficients.
  • Magnetic sensors: To measure magnetic fields.
  • Magnetic actuators: To control magnetic devices.
  • Superconductivity: To study magnetic properties of superconductors.

Additional Notes:

  • The Lorentz curve is a fundamental property of magnetic materials.
  • The shape of the Lorentz curve depends on the type of material and its microstructure.
  • The Lorentz curve can be used to predict the magnetic behavior of a material.


[Image of a Lorentz curve]
