1 min read

Luhn Algorithm

Luhn Algorithm

The Luhn algorithm is a checksum algorithm used to detect errors in identification numbers, such as credit card numbers and IMEI numbers. It is a modulo-10 algorithm, which means that the sum of the digits in the number is divided by 10, and the remainder is used to determine whether the number is valid.


  1. Double every other digit: Starting from the rightmost digit, double every other digit in the number.
  2. Sum the digits: Add all the digits in the number, including the doubled digits.
  3. Modulo 10: Divide the sum by 10 and take the remainder.
  4. Check for equality: If the remainder is 0, the number is valid. Otherwise, it is not.


Given the credit card number 1234 5678 9012:

  1. Double every other digit: 1234 5678 9012 becomes 1234 1168 9012.
  2. Sum the digits: 1234 1168 9012 = 3644.
  3. Modulo 10: 3644 % 10 = 4.
  4. Check for equality: Since the remainder is not 0, the number is not valid.


  • Luhn-2 algorithm: This algorithm doubles every other digit, but instead of adding the doubled digits, they are added as separate numbers.
  • Luhn-3 algorithm: This algorithm doubles every third digit, and the sum of the doubled digits is divided by 10.


The Luhn algorithm is used in a variety of applications, including:

  • Credit card verification
  • IMEI number validation
  • Social Security number validation


  • Simple to implement
  • Effective at detecting errors
  • Relatively secure


  • Not foolproof: It is possible to create numbers that pass the Luhn algorithm but are not valid.
  • Can be cracked with enough effort: With enough time and resources, it is possible to crack the Luhn algorithm.
