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Market Power

Market Power

Market power is the ability of a firm to influence the prices of its products or services in a particular market. Firms with market power have the ability to set their own prices, rather than being dictated by the market.

Types of Market Power:

  • Oligopoly: A market with a few large firms that control a majority of the market share.
  • Monopoly: A market with only one firm, which controls the entire market share.
  • Monopolistic competition: A market with a large number of firms, but with some ability to influence prices.
  • Perfect competition: A market with a large number of firms, where each firm is a price taker.

Factors Affecting Market Power:

  • Size and market share: Firms with a larger market share have more market power.
  • Barriers to entry: Barriers to entry, such as economies of scale or patents, can give firms market power.
  • Brand loyalty: Firms with strong brand loyalty can charge a premium for their products.
  • Control of key resources: Firms that control key resources, such as patents or raw materials, have market power.
  • Government regulation: Government regulation can limit market power.

Examples of Market Power:

  • A oil company with a monopoly on the oil market has the ability to set high prices for oil.
  • A pharmaceutical company with a monopoly on a drug has the ability to set high prices for the drug.
  • A company with a large market share in the computer market has the ability to set high prices for its products.

Impact of Market Power:

  • Higher prices: Firms with market power can charge higher prices for their products or services.
  • Reduced innovation: Market power can lead to reduced innovation, as firms may not be as willing to invest in new technologies if they are already making a profit.
  • Lack of competition: Market power can lead to a lack of competition, as firms may be less willing to enter a market if they face a strong competitor.


Market power is a key concept in economics that describes the ability of a firm to influence the prices of its products or services in a particular market. Factors such as size and market share, barriers to entry, and control of key resources can affect market power.
