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Marketable Securities

Marketable Securities

Marketable securities are financial assets that are traded on a public stock exchange. They are typically traded in large enough quantities to allow for easy entry and exit by investors.

Examples of Marketable Securities:

  • Stocks
  • Bonds
  • Treasury securities
  • Exchange-traded funds (ETFs)
  • Futures contracts
  • Options

Characteristics of Marketable Securities:

  • Traded on a public exchange: Marketable securities are traded on a public exchange, which means that their prices are visible to all investors.
  • Large size: Marketable securities are typically traded in large quantities, which makes them easier to buy or sell.
  • High liquidity: Marketable securities have high liquidity, which means that they can be easily bought or sold without significant price fluctuations.
  • High marketability: Marketable securities are highly marketable, which means that they can be easily traded between investors.
  • Standardization: Marketable securities are standardized, which means that they have a uniform set of rules and regulations.

Benefits of Marketable Securities:

  • Access to a wide range of investment options: Marketable securities offer a wide range of investment options to suit various risk tolerance and goals.
  • Convenience: Marketable securities are convenient to trade, as they can be easily bought or sold through brokerage firms.
  • Price transparency: The prices of marketable securities are transparent, which means that investors can see all bids and asks.
  • Protection of investor interests: Marketable securities are regulated by government agencies, which protects investors from fraud and other abuses.

Uses of Marketable Securities:

  • Investment: Investors use marketable securities to invest their money and generate returns.
  • Collateral: Marketable securities can be used as collateral for loans and other financial instruments.
  • Hedge funds: Hedge funds use marketable securities to speculate on price fluctuations.
  • Speculation: Speculators use marketable securities to speculate on future price movements.


Marketable securities are a type of financial asset that are traded on a public stock exchange. They are characterized by their high liquidity, marketability, and standardization. Marketable securities offer a wide range of investment options and are convenient to trade.
