2 mins read

Mlm – Multilevel Marketing

Multilevel Marketing (MLM), also known as network marketing, is a type of direct sales strategy that involves recruiting individuals to sell products or services through a hierarchical organization structure.

Key Features of MLM:

  • Hierarchical Organization: MLM organizations are structured like a tree, with a top-level promoter and a network of independent distributors below.
  • Recruitment-Based Sales: Distributors are incentivized to recruit new members, and a portion of the sales made by recruited members is credited to the recruiter.
  • Product Sales: MLM companies primarily focus on selling products or services, often related to health, beauty, home, or fashion.
  • Residual Income: Distributors can earn income not only from their own sales but also from the sales of their recruited members.
  • High-Cost Entry: Some MLM companies require a substantial initial investment or fee to join.

Common MLM Examples:

  • Amway
  • Avon
  • Mary Kay
  • Monat
  • Tupperware


  • Income Opportunity: MLM can offer the potential for high income, although the actual earnings are variable.
  • Training and Development: MLM companies provide training and development opportunities for distributors.
  • Product Discounts: Distributors often receive discounts on the products they sell.


  • High Pressure Sales: MLM can be characterized by high-pressure sales tactics.
  • Financial Risks: There is a risk of financial loss for distributors, as they are responsible for their own sales and recruitment.
  • Ethical Concerns: Some MLM companies have faced criticism for predatory marketing practices.


MLM is legal in most countries, but there have been regulations and legal challenges in some jurisdictions. The legality of MLM depends on the specific laws and regulations of the country.


Multilevel marketing is a controversial sales strategy that can offer income opportunities but also raises concerns about high-pressure sales and financial risks. It is important to weigh the pros and cons before considering involvement in an MLM program.
