1 min read


The word “overlay” has a few different meanings, depending on the context. Here are the most common meanings:

1. Overlaying Images:

  • This is the most common meaning of “overlay.” It refers to the process of placing one image on top of another image, usually for the purpose of creating a composite image.
  • This can be done using software programs such as Photoshop or GIMP.

2. Layering Structures:

  • In architecture and engineering, “overlay” can also refer to a structure that is added on top of another structure.
  • For example, a roof is considered an overlay to the walls of a building.

3. Layering in Social Sciences:

  • In social sciences, “overlay” can be used in a metaphorical sense to describe the superposition of different social categories or identities onto individuals.
  • For example, someone could be described as having a “dual overlay” of identities, meaning that they identify with two different social groups.

Other meanings:

  • “Overlay” can also be used in the slang term “overlay artist,” which refers to someone who is very skilled at drawing over photographs.
  • There is also a slang term “overlay chat” which refers to a type of online chat room.

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