2 mins read



Overwithholding is the act of withholding information, resources, or payments to someone who is entitled to them. It can be done intentionally or unintentionally.

Reasons for Overwithholding:

  • Self-preservation: To protect oneself from potential harm or embarrassment.
  • Control: To exert power over someone.
  • Financial gain: To gain financial advantage by depriving others of their resources.
  • Misinformation: To spread misinformation or deceive others.
  • Social pressure: To conform to group pressure or avoid social disapproval.

Examples of Overwithholding:

  • A manager who refuses to promote an employee due to personal bias.
  • A government agency that delays the release of information to the public.
  • A landlord who refuses to return a security deposit to a tenant.
  • An employer who withholds pay from an employee for overtime work.
  • A parent who refuses to share their inheritance with their child.

Legal Consequences:

Overwithholding can have legal consequences, depending on the jurisdiction. For example, in the United States, the Sherman Antitrust Act prohibits anticompetitive price fixing and market manipulation. In Europe, the European Union’s Directive on the Protection of Personal Data (GDPR) imposes fines for mishandling of personal data.

Ethical Implications:

Overwithholding raises ethical concerns about fairness, transparency, and respect for others. It can also undermine trust and cooperation.

Examples of Ethical Overwithholding:

  • A teacher who grades a student lower than they deserve because of personal bias.
  • A lawyer who refuses to represent a client because of their stance on a controversial issue.
  • A journalist who withholds information about a scandal to protect sources.


Overwithholding is a complex issue that can have a wide range of consequences. It is important to weigh the ethical implications and legal considerations when engaging in any behavior that may involve withholding information or resources.
